Tollywood actor Gopichand has been shooting for his next untitled film in Rajasthan. And while shooting for one of the action sequences, reportedly, Gopichand met with an accident and was injured. The actor was said to be on a bike when the accident happened and is said to have fallen off after the bike skid. The actor was rushed to a nearby hospital and was immediately treated. According to reports, the doctors have said that the injury is not a major one and the actor’s health condition is fine. Besides Gopichand, a stuntman too is said to have been injured in the accident which has brought the shooting to a halt. The makers are now rescheduling the shooting of the film after couple of days so that the actor can recuperate, reports reveal.
This yet untitled of Gopichand is said to be a commercial entertainer and is slated to be released by end of this year. Gopichand was last seen in Pantham which failed to impress the audience and turned out to be a dud. Directed by K Chakravarthy, Pantham also starred Mehreen Pirzada as the leading lady.
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