Kangana Ranaut and Ankita Lokhande starrer Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi has achieved one more milestone at the box office as it entered the elite Rs 100 crore club at the domestic market. The magnum opus has become the second Bollywood film to achieve this feat after Vicky Kaushal's Uri: The Surgical Strike at the ticket windows. Despite facing stiff competition from Gully Boy, the historical drama raked in Rs 2.51 crore and currently stands with the grand total of Rs 100.50 crore.
Apart from the domestic circuit, the historical drama has done a phenomenal business and has crossed the Rs 150 crore mark at the global box office. While this is Ankita Lokhande's first Rs 100 crore film, Kangana has achieved this feat earlier with films like Tanu Weds Manu Returns and Krrish 3. Talking about the film, it is directed by Kangana Ranaut and Krish, and also features Jisshu Sengupta, Atul Kulkarni, Danny Danzongpa, Vaibhav Tatwawaadi and Suresh Oberoi in key roles. The music of Manikarnika is composed by the terrific trio Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy, while the lyrics are penned by Prasoon Joshi.
Since director Indra Kumar's multi-starrer venture Total Dhamaal is releasing this week, Manikarnika will almost end its theatrical run at the ticket windows. Though it has already turned out to be one of the most profitable ventures for the producers. Anyway, have you liked the film? Tweet to us...